Configure a Flow Analytics Pro Product

Configure a Flow Analytics Pro Product

When the data loading of a Project or Dashboard is completed, the user is invited to configure the information allowing the launch of the Flow Metrics calculation.

The configuration can be modified at any time, by selecting the “Configure product parameters…” option from the Product menu.

During each modification within the Project or the Dashboard under Jira, impacting the configuration data (Ticket Types, Activity Flow), you will be invited to update the configuration of the Product under Flow Analytics Pro, at the next time. data synchronization.

Configure Flow Metrics calculation history

You have the possibility to define over which period you wish to calculate the Flow Metrics.

For that :

  • Select the “Change calculation period” button;

  • Select the calculation period:

    • 1 month - Calculate Flow Metrics over the last rolling month;

    • 3 months - Calculate Flow Metrivs over the last 3 rolling months;

    • 6 months - Calculate the Flow Metrics over the last 6 rolling months;

    • 1 year - Calculate the Flow Metrics over the last rolling year;

    • Complete - Calculate Flow Metrics over the entire Product history;

    • Custom - Calculate FLow Metrics over a period (Start Date - End Date);

    • Start - Calculation of Flow Metrics from a specific date.

Update Jira login credentials

You have the possibility, depending on the rights associated with your account (Super-Administrator; Administrator) to update the username and password for connecting to the Jira REST API.

Select Ticket types

In order to identify on which data the Flow Metrics will be calculated, it is essential to define the ticket types to use (Story, Bug, Task, etc.).

Note: There is no need to select FEATURE type tickets. These will be automatically identified through the selected child tickets (Story, Bug, etc.).Définir le Flux d’Activité (Workflow)

In order to allow the calculation of Flow Metrics, you must define which steps of the Value Flow (Workflow) to use.

Flow Analytics Pro allows you to customize the Workflow on which you want to calculate the Flow Metrics.

An activity flow is made up of 3 main parts:

  • TODO - Contains steps containing tickets awaiting processing

  • IN PROGRESS - Contains steps containing tickets currently being processed

  • COMPLETED - Contains steps containing tickets whose processing has been completed

It's up to you to define the flow you want to use and in which category each step should be found.

Identify “Active” steps and “Inactive” steps (Efficiency)

Efficiency in Flow Metrics measures the proportion of time spent on a ticket (active steps) compared to total time, including interruptions or waits (inactive steps).

Active stage: when work is actually being done on the task (development, testing, etc.).

Inactive step: when the task is pending, blocked or not a priority (waiting for validation, delay, etc.).

The difference helps identify bottlenecks and improve workflow.

In order to calculate the Efficiency of your Activity Flow, you must define which are the active steps and which are the inactive steps of your Flow.

Select graphs to analyze

Flow Analytics Pro offers all the graphs allowing the analysis of the performance of your Product, whether you are in an organization using the Scrum framework, the Kanban method or any other framework.

You can define which graphs to use for analyzing your Flow Metrics.

Define performance objectives

Flow Analytics Pro allows you to define performance objectives, on each of the Flow Metrics measured, in order to allow you to analyze the quality of the Flow of your Product (Project, Dashboard).

Objectives can be defined on each Flow Analytics Pro Product Analysis Dashboard:

  • Product - Product data set

  • Version - Analysis of Flow Metrics of a Jira version

  • Feature - Analysis of Flow Metrics of a Jira Feature

  • Label - Analysis of Flow Metrics of a Jira Label

  • Component - Analysis of Flow Metrics of a Jira component

  • Sprint - Analysis of the flow metrics of a Jira Sprint.


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