Upgrade to a paid subscription package

Upgrade to a paid subscription package

When creating a Flow Analytics Pro account, the creator has access to a free 30-day trial period, allowing them to load a maximum of 5 Jira projects under Flow Analytics Pro and invite as many collaborators as they like. wishes.


At the end of the trial period, all people with access rights to the Flow Analytics Pro instance will be able to continue to access it but will not be able to perform any of the following operations (depending on their profile):

  • View a Flow Analytics Pro product;

  • Delete a Flow Analytics Pro product;

  • Change the configuration of a Flow Analytics Pro product;

  • Load a new Jira project under Flow Analytics Pro;

  • Consult a Flow Analytics Pro Program;

  • Modify the configuration of a Flow Analytics Pro Program,

  • Create a Flow Analytics Pro Program;

  • Modify the rights of a Flow Analytics Pro user;

  • Delete a Flow Analytics Pro user;

  • Invite a new user to the Flow Analytics Pro instance.Passer à un pack payant

Only the owner of the Flow Analytics Pro instance (“Super-Admin” profile) can modify their subscription and move from a free trial period to a paid subscription.


Access to the subscription management page is via the “My account” menu of the “Super-Admin” user.

Select the “Subscription” menu option to access the subscription management page.

To change the subscription, select the “Purchase” button.

The super-Admin then has the choice between 4 subscription packs.

The subscription can be monthly or annual. The annual subscription benefits from a 2-month reduction.

If you wish to install Flow Analytics Pro on a client server, you must contact the Wiveez sales teams at contact@wiveez.com.

After selecting your subscription package, click on the “NEXT” button.

The Super-Admin must then enter their billing information and select the “NEXT” button.

The Super-Admin has the choice between payment by credit card or by sending an invoice (valid only for annual subscriptions).

CB payment (bank card)

Payment by credit card is authorized for any type of cloud subscription (SaaS).

All input fields are mandatory.

A 3D secure control is carried out via our partner Stripe.

Payment Invoice

Payment by sending an invoice is only possible for annual subscriptions.

The customer has 30 days to make payment, following receipt of the invoice, otherwise the account is not activated.

Payment confirmation

Upon validation of payment information, the Super-Admin can view a summary of his subscription, before validation.

Validation is done via the “BUY” button.

The customer account is then activated immediately and all users of the Flow Analytics Pro instance once again have access to the features offered by Flow Analytics Pro.


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