Flow Distribution

Flow Distribution

This graph allows you to follow the distribution of tickets processed by the Train teams, by Increment and by Iteration.

The graph also allows you to identify tickets that are not associated with any Increment and/or any Iteration.

Flow Distribution within the SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) framework, as offered by Flow Analytics Pro, focuses on the distribution of ticket types processed within a program or team. This chart allows you to visualize the types of work performed (such as features, bug fixes, or technical debt tasks) and analyze their processing over time, by Program Increment, and by Iteration.

By displaying the number of tickets processed, Flow Analytics Pro allows teams to better understand how different categories of work (e.g. new features versus bug fixes) are distributed and prioritized. This helps adjust resources as needed and identify bottlenecks in the workflow.

The Increment and Iteration Distribution Chart helps analyze variations in ticket management at the overall program level, while providing insight into teams' ability to meet business commitments at each increment.


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