Flow Time Histogram

A Flow Time Histogram is a bar chart that shows how many work items have a certain Flow time. The x-axis represents cycle length in days. The y-axis represents the percentage of work items that have this Flow time.

A Flow Time usually has a big hump on the left and a long tail to the right. If the spread of your data is too wide, it means that you have too variability in your process.

Flow Time Histogram example

You can apply a throughput tracking filter to your tickets by:

  • Version;

  • Label;

  • Period;

  • Begin step and End step;

  • Issue-Type.


You can also filter the information directly on the chart, by:

  • Frequency;

  • Flow Time cumulative (in percent).


The graph also offers the following options:

  • export an image of the chart in png, jpg, svg or pdf format

Export image options
  • export data in json, csv, xlsx, html or pdf format

  • print the chart.


The graph is also associated with a summary table.