Flow Time Scatterplot
The Flow Time Scatterplot allows you to visualize, over a period of time and on a specific workflow, the time that was required to process tickets.
The x axis represents the days of the selected period. The y axis displays the number of days required to process a ticket.
This graph is useful for visualizing the dispersion of tickets and the time it took to process them. You can easily identify tickets with abnormally long processing time and launch an analysis on the reasons.
You can also easily identify if your flow is fluid and regular or if you have low periods in the production of value.
You can apply a throughput tracking filter to your tickets by:
Begin step and End step;
Flow Time average;
Flow Time moving average.
The graph also offers the following options:
export an image of the chart in png, jpg, svg or pdf format
export data in json, csv, xlsx, html or pdf format
print the chart.
The graph is also associated with a summary table.