Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)
A cumulative flow chart is a tool used in queuing theory. This is an area chart that represents the amount of work in a given state, showing arrivals, queue time, queue quantity, and the throughput.
The horizontal x-axis in a CFD indicates time, and the vertical y-axis indicates tickets. Each colored area of the chart equates to a workflow status.
The CFD can be useful for identifying bottlenecks. If your chart contains an area that is widening vertically over time, the column that equates to the widening area will generally be a bottleneck.
You can apply a throughput tracking filter to your tickets by:
Workflow steps;
The graph also offers the following options:
export an image of the chart in png, jpg, svg or pdf format
export data in json, csv, xlsx, html or pdf format
print the chart.
The graph is also associated with a summary table.