Product dashboard
The Product Dashboard contains all the indicators for monitoring the performance of the Jira project/dashboard loaded on Wiveez.
It is accessible via the “Product” option of the board menu.
Product dashboard
The Product Dashboard contains the following information.
Flow Time
Flow Time is made up of the following indicators:
Lead Time: Represents the average time that tickets with the “COMPLETED” status took to cross the processing flow (workflow);
Reaction Time: Represents the average time that tickets with the “DONE” status took to move from the “TO DO” status to the “IN PROGRESS” status. This indicator is ideal for measuring the speed of handling a ticket;
Cycle Time: Represents the average time that tickets with the “DONE” status took to be processed, from their passage to the “IN PROGRESS” status to the “DONE” status.
Each indicator is associated with an icon allowing you to check whether the average time measured is in line with the objectives defined by on the product (see “Configuring indicator objectives”):
Green: The average time measured is in phase with the defined objective;
Orange: The average time measured is at risk in relation to the defined objective;
Red: The measured average time exceeds the set maximum time goal.
Each indicator is associated with a button allowing access to the Product indicator analysis page (see “Analysis of flow indicators”).
The Flow Time also provides access to the “FLOW TIME SCATTERPLOT” graph allowing the evolution of the flow time to be monitored over time.