The product overview contains a summary of product information:
the status of the product backlog :
How many items are in the TODO category;
How many items are in the WORK IN PROGRESS category;
How many items are in the DONE category;
How many items are BLOCKED (Jira flag at ON).
Total progress in purcent;
Items blocked list;
List of current items;
Sprint in progress list;
Release in progress list;
issue types list.
Each item is selectable and allows you to display its indicator sheet
Lead Time: Time spent by the ticket on the Wiveez workflow;
Reaction Time: Time spent by the ticket between entry into the workflow (TODO) and a ticket processing step (IN PROGRESS);
Cycle Time: Time the ticket spent on the processing steps (IN PROGRESS) until the end step (DONE);
Efficiency: Percentage of ticket time spent on active Wiveez workflow steps;
Workflow: Date and time spent on each step of the Wiveez workflow, in duration and in percentage.