Access to my Wiveez Instance

Acces to Wiveex Instance

The Wiveez instance is accessible via the connection button in the main menu of the site.

Or via the link

The user must enter their username (email address) and the password associated with their Wiveez account.

 Only users who have confirmed their email address can connect to their Wiveez instance.

The connection can be made:

  • By entering a valid username/password;

  • Via your Google account;

  • Via your Atlassian account;

  • Via your Microsoft account;

  • Via your company directory (SSO - SAML2) for the On Premise version (Business Server).

Multiple Wiveez Instances

A Wiveez user can own their own instance, but also be invited to several other instances that they do not own.

 The list of instances to which he has access rights is displayed on the authentication page

After validating the authentication, the user directly accesses the Project Portfolio/Jira Dashboards loaded on the Wiveez instance.