#9 - Load a JIRA project under Wiveez

Loading rights

Only “Super-Admin” and “Admin” profiles can upload a Jira project within their Wiveez instance.

Start loading

The launch of the loading procedure is done by selecting the + button of the Wiveez product portfolio.

The user accesses a page for entering Jira REST API access information.

As soon as the Jira REST API validates the access credentials, the user accesses a page containing the list of Jira projects and Boards.

By default, the “Project” part is selected.

The Project part contains the following information:

  • All the projects on which the identifiers entered have access rights - “Private” Jira projects on which the account entered does not have access rights in Jira are not displayed in the list;

  • All authorized projects, which are not already present within the portfolio of Wiveez products.

The user can select the period over which he wishes to measure the indicators.

  • 1 month (1 month): Loading of all project tickets that have been upgraded to “DONE” status over the last 30 days, compared to the loading date + all tickets with “TODO” or “IN PROGRESS” status;

  • 3 months (3 months): Loading of all project tickets that have been upgraded to “DONE” status over the last 90 days, compared to the loading date + all tickets with “TODO” or “IN PROGRESS” status;

  • 6 months (6 months): Loading of all project tickets that have been upgraded to “DONE” status over the last 180 days, compared to the loading date + all tickets with “TODO” or “IN PROGRESS” status;

  • 1 year (1 year): Loading of all project tickets that have been upgraded to “DONE” status over the last 365 days, compared to the loading date + all tickets with “TODO” or “IN PROGRESS” status;

  • All (All): Loading of all project tickets;

  • Custom: Definition of the ticket loading period, by entering a start date and an end date. Loading of all project tickets that have been upgraded to “DONE” status, over the selected period + all tickets with “TODO” or “IN PROGRESS” status;

  • Start: Definition of the start date for loading tickets, by entering a start date. Loading of all tickets in the project that have been changed to “DONE” status, between the start date entered and the date of loading the project + all tickets in “TODO” or “IN PROGRESS” status.

The launch of the import is done via the “IMPORT” button.

The user has the option of canceling the loading “CANCEL” or returning to the stage of entering the login credentials “BACK”.

Loading the JIRA project

Launching the loading of a project is done in the background, so as not to block the user during data recovery.

The user can, at any time, follow the progress of the loading and the estimated time remaining.

As soon as the loading is complete, the total number of tickets loaded and displayed and the user can start the configuration phase of the Wiveez product. via the “BEGIN CONFIGURATION

Configure a product under Wiveez

Step 1/3 - Configure the Product Type issues

Jira allows you to create an infinite number of ticket types, named “Issue-Type”.

Jira standard issue-types are:

  • Story: Functional need processing ticket

  • Bug: Anomaly management ticket

  • Task: management ticket for a task other than a Story

  • Sub-task: Sub-task attached to a Story, a Bug or a Task

  • EPIC: Macro functionality that can group other issue-types (In the agile sense of the term, a Jira EPIC actually represents a Feature).

Jira makes it possible to modify the name of standard issues or to translate them into another language (EPIC becomes Epopée in French, for example).

Wiveez provides users with indicators for calculating the anomaly rate, by product, Release, EPIC, etc. based on the Type “Bug” issue, as well as a dashboard showing the indicators of an EPIC.

In order to best measure these indicators, it is necessary to define the standard Jira issue-type which will be assigned to each of the standard issues of the Wiveez product.

Issue-types that do not correspond to any standard Jira issue-type will be named “Custom issue”.

In the example below, several issue-types have been created and are tagged “Custom issue”. The EPIC Jira issue-type has been renamed to “Feature” and is tagged under Wiveez as “EPIC”.

As soon as the mapping has been carried out, the user can also select which are the standard issues on which the indicators will be calculated (blue background).

The selected issue-types will be used in the calculation of the dashboard indicators:

  • Product (Product);

  • Release (Release);

  • Sprint

There is no need to select the “EPIC” issue-type for the calculation of the EPIC dashboard indicators. The calculation will be done automatically.

Select the “APPLY” button to go to the next step.

Step 2/3 - Configure Wiveez Product Workflow

Jira allows you to create a workflow (JIRA workflow) adapted to each project or issue-type.

 Jira also logs all the steps created on a workflow, whether they are used or not.

 When loading data from a JIRA project, under Wiveez, all the steps of a Jira workflow are transmitted.

 Wiveez must then define on which stages the indicators must be calculated.

 To do this, the user must define which steps will be represented in the three main categories of the flow: TODO (To Do); WIP (Work In Progress - Ongoing); DONE.

 Moving from a Jira Workflow step to the Wiveez Workflow is done by drag&drop.

Etat avant sélection des étapes du workflow Jira dans le Workflow Wiveez (exemple) :


Situation after assigning Jira workflow steps in Wiveez Workflow (example):

Le passage à l'étape suivante se fait via le bouton “APPLY”.

L’utilisateur peut retourner à l'étape précédente (Mapping des issue-type) via le bouton “GO BACK”.

Etape 3/3 - Configurer les étapes du flux Wiveez pour le calcul de l’efficience

Afin de permettre de calcul de l’indicateur d’efficience du flux de travail Wiveez, l’utilisateur doit indiquer quelles sont les étapes sur lesquelles une activité sera réalisée et les étapes d’attente.

Par défaut, les étapes TODO et DONE sont des étapes d’attente.

Les étapes WIP (Work In Progress) sont des étapes d’activité et sont donc cochées en bleu.


Etat de la configuration de l’efficience avant (exemple) :

Etat de la configuration de l’efficience après (exemple) :

La validation de la configuration de l’efficience est validée via le bouton “APPLY”.

Génération du projet Jira en produit Wiveez

Dès que la configuration du projet Jira est finalisée, l’utilisateur peux lancer le calcul des indicateur, via le bouton “CLOSE”.

Wiveez filtre les tickets sur les critères de la configuration :

  • Issue-type à utiliser dans le calcul des KPI ;

  • Tickets présents dans l’un des étape du flux de travail configuré sous Wiveez ;

  • Etapes actives et inactive du flux de travail pour le calcul de l’efficience

et lance le calcul des indicateurs, en tâche de fond et la génération du Produit sous Wiveez.

Dès que le calcul des indicateurs est finalisé, l’utilisateur accède directement au produit.

L’accès au produit se fait directement sur la page des indicateurs favoris du produit. Au chargement d’un projet JIRA, les indicateurs favoris proposés par défaut sont :

  • Lead Time : Temps moyen de traversé des tickets sur tout le flux de travail, entre le statut TODO et le statut DONE

  • Cycle Time : Temps moyen de traitement d’un ticket entre le statut WIP et le statut DONE

  • Commitment : Engagement moyenne début de sprint

  • Velocity : Vélocité moyenne en fin de sprint

  • Burnup : Graphique de suivi du débit et de projection du reste à faire

  • Velocity chart : Graphique de suivi de l’engagement (commitment) et de la vélocité (velocity) sur chaque sprint du produit.

Wiveez offre la possibilité d’accéder à une liste de graphique de suivi de la performance du produit et de suivi des indicateurs via des tableaux de bord (Produit, Release, EPIC, Sprint, …).