#8 - The Wiveez product portfolio

The portfolio of a Wiveez instance allows you to group all the projects that have been loaded from a JIRA instance.

JIRA projects are named Product under Wiveez.

Each of the Jira projects (Wiveez Product), uploaded to the instance is represented by a label containing the credentials:

  • Product Name ;

  • Percentage of product backlog progress;

  • Number of tickets in TODO (To Do) status;

  • Number of tickets in WIP (Work In Progress) status;

  • Number of tickets in DONE status.


A user with the “Super-Admin or “Admin” profile can delete a product under Wiveez, via the product menu.

A user with the “User” profile can only access the product, in consultation.

Access to the product is via title selection or via the product menu.