#3 - Create a Wiveez account
On the website wiveez.com, select menu button
You then have access to the Wiveez account creation page.
The information that must be filled in is:
Wiveez instance owner's first name;
Wiveez instance owner name;
Company Name;
Wiveez instance owner email;
The password and its confirmation, respecting the following rules:
At least 8 characters;
At least one capital letter;
At least one digit;
At least one special character
The name that will be assigned to the Wiveez instance.
As soon as the data entered is validated, the owner of the instance receives an email requesting confirmation of the email address entered.
Without confirmation of his email address, the user cannot access his Wiveez instance.
Upon confirmation of his email address, a message confirming the creation of the Wiveez instance is sent to the owner, who also becomes Super-Admin of the Wiveez account.
The new instance created has a free 30-day trial period on the "Starter" pack - Loading up to 5 projects.
The time remaining on the trial period is displayed in a banner at the top of the Wiveez page.
The account owner has the possibility, at any time, to upgrade to the paid version of Wiveez.