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This graph can only be viewed for Projects or Jira Boards with Sprints.

The Burndown Chart in Wiveez Flow Analytics Pro is a chart used to track the work remaining during a Sprint. It allows the team to visualize whether they are on track to complete planned work on time, taking into account changes to the Sprint Backlog.


  1. The Sprint Backlog tracking curve: This shows the amount of work remaining to be done, which can change if tickets are added or removed from the Sprint. This curve reflects Backlog adjustments in real time, such as the addition of new tasks or the deletion of tickets.

  2. The Ideal Curve Tracking Curve: This is the curve that shows how the remaining work should ideally decrease linearly over time for the Sprint to be completed on time. However, the particularity of Wiveez Flow Analytics Pro is that this ideal curve is recalculated each time the Sprint Backlog is modified. This allows you to see the impact of changes on the team's ability to meet objectives.

  3. The remaining to be done monitoring curve: This curve represents the work remaining to be done. It gradually descends as the team completes tickets, and ideally, it should follow or exceed the recalculated ideal curve.Fonctionnement et Utilité

The Burndown Chart in Wiveez Flow Analytics Pro is designed to:

  1. Track the progress of work remaining to be done: It shows how much work remains to be done at any time during the Sprint. If the remaining work curve drops steadily toward zero, this indicates that the team is progressing as planned.

  2. Measure the impact of Sprint Backlog changes: The Sprint Backlog curve reflects changes to the planned amount of work in real time. When a ticket is added or removed, the ideal curve is automatically recalculated to adjust the team's expectations based on the new Sprint conditions.

  3. Anticipate risks and adjust the Sprint: If the remaining work curve remains above the ideal curve, this signals that the team is behind schedule and that it may be necessary to adjust priorities or reduce the scope of the work. Sprint to finish on time.

How to read this graph?

The Burndown Chart in Wiveez Flow Analytics Pro is made up of three curves which allow you to follow the evolution of the Backlog, the ideal forecasts, and the work actually accomplished.

  1. Horizontal axis (x): This axis represents the time, generally measured in days, from the opening of the Sprint until its closing. It shows the progress of the Sprint over the days.

  2. Vertical axis (y): This axis represents the amount of work remaining, measured in effort points, tickets, or any other unit of measurement chosen to track the work to be accomplished.

  3. Sprint Backlog tracking curve:

    • This curve shows the total amount of work to be done, which can change during the Sprint if tickets are added or removed. If tickets are added to the Sprint, the curve rises; if tickets are withdrawn, the curve goes down. This helps track how the amount of work remaining changes over time.

  4. Curve following the ideal curve:

    • The ideal curve shows the theoretical rate at which remaining work should decrease each day for the team to reach its goals on time. In WiveezFlow Analytics Pro, this curve is automatically recalculated each time changes are made to the Sprint Backlog. This helps update expectations based on new Sprint conditions and see if the team can still finish on time.

  5. Monitoring curve of the remaining to be done:

    • The remaining to be done curve shows the amount of work remaining to be completed from day to day. It should ideally follow the ideal curve or go below it if the team is ahead. If the remaining curve is above the ideal curve, this indicates a potential delay in completing the Sprint.


Let's take an example of a Burndown Chart in Wiveez Flow Analytics Pro for a two-week Sprint:

  • Adding tickets mid-Sprint:

    • If, after a week, several tickets are added to the Sprint Backlog, the Backlog curve will rise to reflect this addition, and the ideal curve will be recalculated to adjust the team's expectations. If the remaining work curve remains well above the recalculated ideal curve, this indicates that the team may not be able to complete all the work on time.

  • Curve remaining above ideal curve:

    • If the work remaining curve is consistently above the recalculated ideal curve, this shows that the team is behind schedule. It may be necessary to reduce the scope of the Sprint or intensify the pace of work to finish on time.

Usefulness in


Flow Analytics Pro

The Burndown Chart in Wiveez Flow Analytics Pro allows teams to:

  • Visually track the reduction in remaining work and see if the team is progressing quickly enough to meet their goals within the allotted time.

  • Evaluate the impact of Sprint Backlog adjustments by recalculating the ideal curve each time changes are made to the Backlog. This helps understand how ticket additions or deletions affect the chances of completing the Sprint on time.

  • Anticipate delays by comparing the curve of the work carried out with the recalculated ideal curve, in order to take corrective measures when necessary.




Detailed ticket analysis

Wiveez Flow Analytics Pro allows the user to analyze in detail the performance of each ticket in the Sprint by displaying the list of tickets associated with a point and displaying the details of the Flow Metrics of a ticket.
